Artist Kiana Lom
Working Creatively
There is a strong connection between the hand and the brain. Hands itch and twitch with this nervous energy that needs to flow out onto the blank page. The brain has a need to release this pent up tension. Hand and Brain come together with emotions, some repressed and unexplored, to find an unconscious need yet to be defined while they marry needs and skills together. This raw release of putting action with pen, pencil, or the manipulation of an object with your hands, reveals unspoken interior thoughts and collective sentiments that often surprise and delight. During the process of creation there must not be any censorship, but rather a joy of simple expression, and the ease that comes when there is confidence in the mark making. This liberating release feels like a musical crescendo, that builds up quicker and quicker, to a mad climax and follows a dopamine infused post-zenith oasis.
Paper Cut-Outs
This image was created after some color mixing exercises. Watercolors and ink were splattered playfully to create color swatches and try out techniques and effect. The accumulation of paper after the colors drilled to the idea of cutting out forms and placing them against a contrasting background. After an image was designed, words were then added to create a metaphysical meaning.
Artagan & Iridescence
Dynamic Movement Koi
Working with a dark background is always tricky for those who are use to adding shadows to the white page. Here you have to train the brain to work in reverse by looking at the light and sculpting it out of darkness.
Visual Texture
Salt & Briny Water Fish
Playful representation of elements like tie-dye water, crusty coral, mossy water plants and expressive lines help create visual interest in this underwater landscape.
I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.
Idea Mash-Up
Museum & Park
As we go about our days, things we see can have lasting impressions on our psyche. As an exercise recording the end of the day in doodles sometimes helps create ideas that later develop into paintings and or short stories. What do park pigeons and the iconic Virgin and child have in common?
Cat Studies
Careful observation of movement and expression allows living creatures to breathe life. Working quickly with shading and proportioned geometric shapes to outline basic gestures of everyday cats.
Chinatown Inspiration
While observing the lions at the entrance of China Town in Boston, MA. I developed my own version of a water dragon followed. This image could easily become a blue print for future ideas and art projects such as prints.
Dreamy Mischief
Watercolors and Colored Pencil
This doodle combines gesture with color to create new moods. Texture is created with directional crosshatching and watercolor pigment drop onto wet paper.